The question that kept running through my mind and I believe the same was
the case in the minds of some of these ladies was “When is he going to
come?” There are ladies that heard the “Mr Right is on the way” story when
they were 27 years old, now they are 33 and he hasn’t arrived yet. So when
is he going to finally arrive? When they’ve clocked 40?.
See the reasons why ‘good’ girls remained single while ‘bad’ girls got
married Saturday after Saturday.
An Entitlement Mentality
Some good girls think life or the world owes them something for being
good. Just because they “kept” themselves, they sometimes think it is an
automatic ticket to finding a good man.
Lack of Self Improvement
Some good girls don’t improve themselves. The message of being a ‘virtuous
woman’ has robbed some good girls of intelligence. They have specific
topics they talk about and respond to.
When you go to a gathering of some good girls, you will hardly find them
discussing highly intellectual stuff. Engage some of them in discussions
on politics, finance, and business, and you will find that they are mostly
ignorant in some of these areas. But when it comes to discussions on how
to be consistent in your prayer and word life, or becoming a virtuous
woman, they are good. No man wants a dull lady in his life.
Packaging Sense
Many good girls don’t have Packaging Sense. If only they knew that, good
men are drawn by what they see too. And this has nothing to do with
nudity. No matter how exceptional a lady’s character may be, it will have
to be ‘marketed’ in a beautifully and properly packaged container for most
men to see. It is beauty first before the character.
In a bid to be “spiritual”, some good girls lose their femininity. It is
good to engage in spiritual activities to grow in God, but when those
activities begin to take away the feminine touch from a lady and make her
look like a man, it is not good. No man wants to marry another man.
Even a Pastor wants a lady with her femininity alive; nice makeup, good
shape, sweet smell, nice hairdo, cool dress sense, etc. Don’t you see
their wives? Some good girls fail to keep their femininity alive. They’ve
been deceived by the “character is all that matters” saying, which is not
entirely true. In most cases, it is beauty first before the character.
Many good girls don’t know that a close male friend could be a potential
husband. Many often say they can’t marry their friends. “He’s just a
friend,” they say. Who else should be a partner if not a friend turned
lover? There are many good girls with good male friends in their lives but
they prefer to keep them in the ‘friend zone even when it’s obvious that
these guys like them.
They ‘friend-zone’ these guys and keep praying that God sends them ‘Mr
Right’. And while they are praying to God to send their life partners to
them, He is waiting for them to recognise the one He positioned in their
lives disguised as friends.
Relationship principles have no respect for anyone. No matter who you are,
good or bad, the consequences of violating relationship principles still
Deep in the heart of men is a longing to be RESPECTED. Ladies also want to
be respected but it’s a whole different thing for men.
A lady may sometimes ignore it or not take it as a big deal when she’s
disrespected but a man will never ignore it. It is a big deal to him. The
funny thing is, things that communicate disrespect to men are little; the
way a lady talks and response to him, and the way she handles things that
matter to him.
While so many good girls violate this principle to their detriment, some
bad girls use it as a master tool to keep men glued to them.
Many good girls don’t know that good guys are not living in the same room
with them. They don’t have a social life. They need to go out so that the
good guys can see them. Good guys are not only found in churches or church
programs. They can also be found at events, youth summits, talk shows,
Most times good girls have high standards. They have a specific kind of
man they are looking for. “He must be God-fearing, responsible, rich,
good-looking, and have a cool dress sense. He should also know how to
treat a girl right.” The only person with all these qualities the first
time you meet him is Jesus Christ.
There is no perfect man out there. A man will hardly show up having all
these qualities at the initial stage. He will come to have some. Sometimes
a good girl might have good guys coming around but because she doesn’t see
ALL the qualities she wants in them at the same time, she turns them down.
Most men fall for ‘runs girls’ or ladies with a ‘runs girl’ mindset. A
‘runs girl’ mindset helps a lady understand that pleasing a man is a
priority. A runs girl takes her time to understand the psychology of men
and ways of pleasing them. While a ‘good’ girl is waiting for a man that
will please her and meet her needs, a ‘bad’ girl focuses on pleasing the
man and meeting his needs. Because if she succeeds, he will in turn meet
her needs.
This is basically how the ‘runs girl’ life works. She needs money so she
takes her time to look attractive, and also makes men go ‘gaga’ with her
sexual energy and exploits in bed. The men in return shower her with money
and gifts.