An official of the West African Examination Council was on TV recently. He was asked to explain how the Council’s examination papers got into the public space pre-exam, a phenomenon popularly referred to as ‘exam leakage’. The official says there’s nothing so-called under the current WAEC leadership. What happens, he explains, is that materials are released to exam supervisors an hour before exams start. After the question papers arrive exam venues and are distributed, some take pictures of the papers and post them online.
He states further that exam supervisors are nominated by their respective state Ministry of Education. These supervisors are warned to not allow students enter exam halls with any digital devices with which they can take pictures of exam papers. Some supervisors don’t follow the guidelines. This WAEC official didn’t just state the problem. He catalogued measures put in place to curb these acts, as well. He said they could trace the point from where papers were sent online in a matter of minutes, and they could mobilise the police to arrest the supervisors at such centres. He added that many were arrested in the course of the ongoing examinations.
WAEC and the challenges of conducting examinations have been discussed for decades. But there’s a reason I pick the issue. Lest we forget. Lest we forget what we as Nigerians do to our nation. I bear this in mind always, a reason some may think I drive against the traffic of opinion. Most of us create problems at individual level only to turn around and point at a faceless government. Such approach amounts to looking at issues on the surface and attacking the symptoms, not the cause. Our contribution as individuals? Forgotten. No government is the cause of all problems. It cannot be all the solution. At the individual level, we’re part of the solution. But here we are, supervisors compromising the integrity of examinations for personal gains. Does it sound like some Nigerians collecting bribes and approving a bogus contract to a certain P&ID, and for which the nation is now in debt to the tune of $10bn? This practice is everywhere, not just WAEC exams.
Many of the stories I hear about ‘leaked’ exam papers are strange to me. In all my years in school, I was never informed that one could pay money either to get an exam paper or get admission into an institution. Rather, I looked for what the requirements were and I prepared myself accordingly. These days, the virus of buying examination marks and admission into institutions, is being passed on from one generation to the next. Those who want to do what is right in academic environments tell me the challenges they face. They’re regarded as the devil. Those who collude to compromise exams are the angels to students and parents. This virus is more widespread than COVID-19, and it can destroy a nation much faster. We see it in action around us.
A young undergraduate was talking about her final-year project the other time. She set up the contents as she should, including stating that she would go to a particular location to administer questionnaire. It was within the same state. But she said she wouldn’t go; she would simply fill the questionnaire by herself as everyone else did. She said this so flippantly that I was taken aback. It was a popular practice among her fellow students. I find things like these shocking. Working day and night for months on my final long essays as undergraduate project, M.Sc dissertation, and Ph.D thesis was what I enjoyed most in my time in the university. One external examiner looked at my voluminous thesis and asked if I typed it all by myself. I said I did, in all the years that I worked on it. He marvelled. Months after my final defence, one colleague asked his friend if that one remembered me in regard to my defence. The friend said, “I do; the man who was on top of his work.” But I come across young Nigerians who aren’t interested in doing what they ought to do to earn marks. What the young lady said she would do was what she did. Now she’s a graduate.
Against the backdrop of my experience at the time I was in school, when anyone tells me they’re writing exams these days, the first thing I do is to check how faultless their appearance is. Once a girl has her make up in the right places, or a boy’s head looks like he’s just left the barbing saloon, you would hear me say, “You don’t look like someone who’s writing exam,” which would invariably make the accused person laugh. I was in the third year in secondary school when I began to prepare for WASSCE. I wasn’t concerned about promotional exams anymore. I bought the textbooks I would need. I would also take my elder brothers’ textbooks, and read them. A sister in-law used to visit. Whenever she was around, I would take her textbooks and read them, wanting to know what she, who was about to write WASSC exams, was using in her preparation.
A month to the exams, I had stopped leaving the house to visit friends. A month to my A level exams, I did the same. In fact, I concentrated on a specially light breakfast so that I wouldn’t feel like sleeping while reading. I would read from 9am to 4pm, eat, sleep, get up at 11pm and read again until 4am. I recall that after the A level exam, my mother visited, and noticing that I seriously lost weight, she asked: “Don’t you eat food?” I tell this story to illustrate how seriously I took every exams. I did because I knew no other route to success in exams except hard work. I was still writing my final A level papers when the University of Lagos sent my admission letter to me through NIPOST, having sat for JAMB’s Joint Matriculation Examination, as it was called then, earlier. I didn’t have to run after anyone in order to gain admission. Compare that to the following.
Several years ago, there was this young girl who was writing her WASSCE. I took note that her mother, with her and her siblings, would watch movies until about 2am. One day, I called this girl aside and told her she should be reading for her exams. She laughed. She told her mother and her siblings and they all laughed. Two years later, I was aware when her father and mother were checking the papers of a youth who said with the payment of some money, this girl would be given admission in the tertiary institution where the youth was also a student. The girl’s parents paid, and she was admitted. I suppose this girl would do the same for her children, and so the coronavirus in exams and admission processes is passed from one generation to the next. Once that’s the way parents pass through life, they’ll see nothing wrong in taking their children through the same route. This is more so as there are supervisors of WASSCE who are willing collaborators.
It’s a good thing we have exam bodies such as WAEC who are making efforts to curb the menace. JAMB is doing the same. They have to succeed, otherwise hope is lost. For with our own hands as a people we’re destroying the moral fabric of this nation. Officials given the position of trust compromise it. Parents who should be the best examples to their children, encourage what could turn out to be the nemesis of the same children. Yet, after we all do these things, we turn around and point accusing fingers at others for the problem of our nation. Can a people eat their cake and have it? In Nigeria, many think it is possible. I call on exam bodies, WAEC, JAMB etc. to continue to look for more effective means of rescuing us from the hands of those who wouldn’t mind destroying our nation. Make it impossible for these unruly and corrupt so-called exam officials to destroy our tomorrow. There’ll always be those bent on buying what can ultimately harm them. But if there’s no supplier, such buyers would stand empty-handed in the market place.