In a statement released Monday in Abuja, Yakubu Mahmood, the NRC's deputy public relations director, made the demand.
Mahmood claims that using unauthorised level crossings poses severe threats to the lives and property of individuals who do so.
He said: “The Board and Management of NRC wish to notify the public that there are two constructed overpasses at different locations within the Kubwa, Abuja environs.
“This is for ease and safety of crossing railway lines of Abuja — Kaduna Train Service.
“However, motorists have been, for reasons best known to them, resorted to using illegally constructed level crossings, which have recently been fatal because of collisions by the moving trains.
“NRC hereby enjoins motorists and other road users to always use the overpasses for their safety instead of the illegal level crossings that portray great risks and danger to their lives and property.”
The NRC spokeswoman urged the media to use their platform to inform the public about the need to utilise the overpass to cross railroad tracks for safety reasons.
Additionally, he reaffirmed the Federal Government's position on railroad modernization, which calls for the installation of overpasses on all new railway lines to ensure the safety of both drivers and trains.
According to The News Agency of Nigeria, on December 15, an unlicensed level crossing along Kubwa in Abuja was traversed by a car that was then crushed by a train.