Portable had made two videos that went viral on Tuesday, where he rained curses on some men of the Nigerian police. In the clips, he claimed that internet fraudsters had brought the police to his bar to arrest his staff members "for no reason." The police spokesman in Ogun State, Abimbola Oyeyemi, confirmed that the command had sent Portable a 72-hour ultimatum to submit himself to the police or face arrest.
Oyeyemi explained that the police moved to arrest him after five invites were sent to him and another through his father, but he turned all the summons down. He said the Zazu crooner was invited upon a petition by a young studio owner who claimed that Portable, together with his boys, beat him to a stupor and locked his studio.
"On receiving the petition from the police, an invitation letter was sent to him five times, but he refused to appear at the police station. Again, an invitation letter was sent to him through his father; he still did not come to the station,” Oyeyemi said.
However, the singer landed in the police net and was paraded at the State Police headquarters, Eleweran, Abeokuta. The police spokesperson said that Portable's father had been begging for his release, but they had told him that if his son refused to turn himself in between then and Friday, he would be arrested.
Portable's father had produced him in court as his surety in the case of alleged assault on DJ Chicken, but his recent actions had contravened his bail conditions. The singer would be arraigned on Monday by the police, a source told Prime 9ja Online.