According to Prime 9ja Online, Melania joined Donald Trump for an Easter brunch at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach on Sunday, putting to rest speculations about the status of their marriage. Videos shared on social media show Donald Trump waving and stopping for handshakes as the couple entered the ballroom at the private club.
Melania, however, headed straight to their table in the middle of the room, and the two were seen sitting next to each other and chatting throughout the meal, with Melania leaning in close to talk to her husband. The couple received a standing ovation from their guests upon entering the ballroom, and red velvet ropes were used to block off the rest of the holiday-goers.
The sighting of Melania and Donald Trump together in public is a rare occurrence, with the former First Lady keeping a low profile since leaving the White House in January. Her absence had led to rumours of a possible divorce, with sources claiming that Melania was waiting for the right time to end her marriage.
However, others believe that the couple's relationship is stronger than ever, with the two sharing a close bond and supporting each other through the recent legal proceedings against Donald Trump.
Despite the controversy surrounding the former president, Donald Trump remains a popular figure among his supporters, and his appearances in public continue to draw large crowds. The Easter brunch was no exception, with guests eager to catch a glimpse of the former First Couple.