Kamara expressed his rejection on Twitter and criticized the electoral commission for alleged lack of inclusiveness, transparency, and responsibility. The All People's Congress (APC), Kamara's party, condemned the vote tallying process and demanded more information about the source of the ballots, stating that they would not accept what they called "fake and cooked up results." The party also alleged instances of "overvoting" and disputed the final outcome.
While Bio's supporters celebrated his victory, emphasizing the need for economic reforms and job creation, Kamara's rejection of the result added to the political tension. The European Union (EU) observers, in a press conference, expressed concerns about the lack of transparency and communication from the electoral authority, which eroded trust in the process.
The EU observers reported instances of violence at polling stations and noted violent incidents in several regions, including the use of live ammunition in some districts.
The election, held on Saturday, saw a registered voter count of approximately 3.4 million people. President Bio, a former coup leader in the 1990s, has prioritized education and women's rights during his first term.
On the other hand, Kamara, a former foreign and finance minister, consistently criticized the electoral commission throughout the campaign, citing irregularities and delays.
In addition to the presidential election, Sierra Leoneans also voted in parliamentary and municipal elections on the same day. The EU observers condemned the violence that took place at the APC headquarters in Freetown on Sunday night, where security forces clashed with opposition supporters, resulting in the tragic death of a woman.
The APC spokesperson stated that the woman was a nurse who was working in the medical unit on the ground floor of the building.
The grieving son of the deceased woman, a law student named Ibrahim Conteh, expressed his desire for justice and sought answers regarding his mother's tragic death. The incident further underscores the need for a thorough investigation into the violence and ensuring accountability for those responsible.
The re-election of President Bio amidst controversy and the opposition's rejection of the result highlight the challenges of fostering trust and inclusivity in Sierra Leone's electoral process. It remains crucial for the government and electoral authorities to address concerns raised by opposition parties and international observers to maintain peace, stability, and democratic progress in the country.